Adventure Training

Adventure Training comprises of 9 weeks discovering what Adventure Racing is about and putting in practice the distance training. Helping you to be ready for the X-Adventure in 10-11th of April 2021.
Below is an outline of what we are covering in Adventure Training.
This will mean there is going to be more preparing than your typical fun-run. Here is what I have learnt myself in these events.
Importance of Specific Training
No matter how fit you “think” you are ; multi-sport / adventure racing can take anyone by surprise. And speaking from personal experience, jumping from Swim – Run – Bike – Kayak (or any combination of the four) can leave you in discomfort, cramping & even some pain. I’ll give you an example. In my earlier Adventure races, the Dunsborough X Adventure, I jumped in feet first – NO RACE SPECIFIC TRAINING. I thought myself as a good Swimmer, at the time I was riding 15km to and from work at least once a week, and I ran multiple times a week. I had thought at the time that this was enough training, but man was I wrong!
Swim leg was first up & it absolutely wiped me out. I hadn’t trained for swimming at all and definitely did not prepare for how intense an ocean swim can be. Struggling into the first transition & began walking the run leg. Coming into final leg, the Bike leg, I was battling leg cramp after leg cramp. I finished the race so deflated and avoided the race for 2 years after that.
Following this experience I had began putting in more time into preparing for Adventure Races. By training in each of the disciplines and also combining them in the same time period I began improving my experience in these events. I had even learnt the hard way, of fuelling my body for the duration and demands of Adventure Racing.
Now I haven’t shared this part of my Adventure race journey to scare you, but to highlight the importance of Race Specific training. Adventure Race weekends are Epic. The atmosphere is electric & the pride you feel just for completing the race is immense. All the effort you put into your specific training prior is well worth it.
SO… To be race ready what should your training plan look like?
Week of Training
Example of training plan….

Training Locations & Dates
7th February
John Forrest – Trail Ride
14th February
Bayswater – Swim
21st February
Kings Park – Trail Run
28th February
Bayswater – Swim
7th March
Kalamunda – Trial Ride
14th March
Sorrento Beach – Swim & Ride
21st March
Mundaring – Trial Run & Ride
28th March
Darlington – Swim & Trial Run
3rd April
City Beach – Swim, Trial Run & Ride
Additional Learning
Race Nutrition
- What to expect from this workshop;
- Pre-Race Nutrition
- Fuel on Race Day
Learn your Gear
- What to expect from this workshop;
- Explore your race kit
- Race First Aid
- What to expect on the day
Bike Basics
- What to expect from this workshop;
- Basic Bike repair
- Race kit & how to attach
- Changing a tyre
Interested in Adventure Training?
Complete below to join in the training locations.